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♥ "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain." UnKnown. ♥

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Friday Flash 55

Snuggled warm beneath the blanket,
the pillow is propped just right,
a few wiggles here,
and a few wiggles there.

Body curled in the shape of a U,
making sure it fits just right.
The breathing gets slower and the hand
reaches up to find some loose strands
of hair.

Goodnight mama, I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In regards to the mayo. I believe Ted and I have the take the a serious but not life threatning fear of the mayo. We use it at extreme cation! And one time I was watching a movie in a theater and I got super anxiety. Cause there was this really high cliff shot. I am super scared of hights. I had a panic attack on the plane on the way back from la a long time ago cause I new I was going to die on that thing!